

What is the CENN mailing list?


CENN mailing lists were created in 1998 to provide online informational support to Caucasus Environmental NGO Network members. We have over 30,000 subscribers from all over the world.


To be subscribed to our mailing list means to be the first to receive breaking news, useful and valuable information about challenges and achievements in the field of the environment in the Caucasus as well as worldwide, announcements about interesting seminars, vacancies, training – all this directly into your mailbox.


Since our e-service is regional and concentrates on the Caucasus region, you will have an option to receive our informational releases in the English and/or Russian language.


Who are CENN mailing list subscribers?


Any individual can subscribe to the CENN mailing list. Among our present subscribers, there are many governmental, non-governmental and international organisations, as well as corporate entities concerned with environmental issues.


How to subscribe to the CENN mailing list?


Subscription to the CENN mailing list is FREE.


How to distribute information through the CENN mailing list?


Reach out your audience! Contact us at: info@cenn.org


Circulate information such as:


  • Vacancies;
  • Tenders;
  • Trainings;
  • All types of advertisements;
  • All types of announcements having no concern with environmental issues;



Dissemination of this information in the CENN e-network is being charged.

Please, read Terms of Dissemination-Disposal of Announcements.

The dissemination of all other types of announcements (on seminars, workshops, any comments on tangible environmental issues, calls for the submission of information, etc.) are free of charge.



Should you have any comments or questions, feel free to contact us.