

Studies and analysis are key elements of CENN`s work, as they help us understand complex problems and create solutions across the region, and sectors. We empower governments, academia, civil society, and the private sector by helping them to use data and evidence in decision-making and build resilient and sustainable societies.

CENN makes use of various research methods and combines quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The spectrum of our studies ranges from baseline analysis, and market research, to policy analysis, and development of strategies, and action plans. Inclusive and participatory approaches are ensured throughout all processes.

Our team has years of experience and is skilled to perform high-quality studies and analyses in line with modern standards and requirements:

  • Baseline studies
  • Stakeholder analysis
  • Market analysis
  • Environmental and socio-economic research
  • Produce and disseminate evidence-based knowledge materials
  • Mapping and remote sensing
  • Policy analysis
  • Development of policy documents and action plans