The EU supported project Embrace Tsalka: Local LEADERs Embrace Sustainable Development in Multi-Ethnic Tsalka Municipality was implemented within the EU ENPARD programme from 2019 to 2022 by CENN in partnership with the Georgian Farmers Association (GFA) and the Institute for Rural Development Research (IfLS).
The aim of the project was to improve social integration and access to basic social services, and to create new economic opportunities for the local population in Tsalka municipality.
The goal of the project was to reduce rural poverty and improve living conditions in
Tsalka municipality, address economic, social, and environmental concerns by improving agricultural competitiveness, promote sustainable management of natural resources, and build climate-resilient rural economies and communities.
The project provided support to smallholders, entrepreneurs, women, youth, and other local actors by improving access to knowledge, innovation, and new technologies.