Transportation has a huge impact on climate change, and although most people are dependent on these methods of transportation, there are still plenty of things people can change to decrease their carbon footprint.
Not only do cars contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, but air pollution caused by exhaust fumes from traffic poses a serious threat to public health. It has been shown to affect the health of unborn babies and increase the risk of dementia.
The global transport sector emits 14% of these emissions
Georgia’s updated NDC sets implementation period for Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan between 2021 and 2030 through identification of individual mitigation measures contributing to achievement of the sectoral goals.
By 2030, Georgia plans to mitigate the GHG emissions from the transport sector by 15% from the reference level;
Here are are several ways you can help to reduce transport emission
- Instead of getting in the car, walk or cycle – and enjoy the physical and mental health benefits, and the money saved.
- For longer journeys, use public transport, or try car sharing schemes.
If driving is unavoidable
- Investigate trading in your diesel or petrol car for an electric or hybrid model.
- Switch off the engine when you park up.
- Make sure the tyres are fully pumped, and that the oxygen sensors are in good order – this can improve the cars fuel mileage and efficiency by up to 3% and 40% respectively.