Up to 10 journalists visited female green entrepreneurs in Gori Municipality within the framework of the EU-supported media tour, “Discover Social and Green Entrepreneurs in Gori”.
The media tour was part of CENN’s ongoing “EU4Youth: Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development for Green Growth” project to introduce local green and social business initiatives to the general public, and to highlight the results of EU and CENN activities in the municipality.
Within the framework of the tour, the participants visited the Gori Innovation Knowledge Hub, got acquainted with the young entrepreneurs who won the Caucasus Social Innovation Grant Competition, and opened the enterprises “Leader” and “Bamane” together with the mayor of Gori, Vladimer Khinchegashvili, and the governor, Valerian Mtchedlidze.
n to develop a strategy for textile waste recycling. A young female entrepreneur manages the enterprise, Nino Giorgadze. In addition to textile waste management, the project envisages vocational training, cutting, sewing-construction and further employment for women and girls from various vulnerable categories (socially vulnerable, internally displaced persons, persons with disabilities, victims of violence, etc.).
“Flora Ville” is a greenhouse in the village of Patara Garejvari, Gori Municipality, which is also led by a young female entrepreneur, Natia Iremadze. The enterprise aims to train young people in greenhouse management. Flora Ville produces a variety of indoor flowers and plants.
As for the company “Fit” and its product “Champy”, this enterprise is a healthy snack start-up founded by 3 students located in the village of Ditsi, Gori Municipality. The company produces apple chips using an innovative drying method. The mission of “Champy” is to promote economic empowerment of the borderline region and the development of organic waste production.