The German NGO Forum on Environment and Development (FUE) and CENN, with financial support from the German Federal Foreign Office, support capacity building of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the South Caucasus to promote CSO SDG advocacy.
The capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, hosted a 3-day SDG conference in which 25 CSO representatives participated from Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The primary theme of the conference was the effective advocacy of the civil society sector during the upcoming process of preparing Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) by the South Caucasus countries in 2024. International experts shared their experience with participants concerning the meaningful engagement of CSOs in VNR processes, existing regional and international platforms for CSO SDG advocacy, and the development of shadow reports. Within the conference, participants also elaborated action plans for delivering joint SDG advocacy actions in their countries.
The event was held within the “Strengthening Civil Society SDG Networks in the South Caucasus” project, which is implemented by FUE and CENN with the financial support of the German Federal Foreign Office. The project’s overall objective is to support CSO SDG networking, SDG monitoring, and SDG advocacy in the South Caucasus.