CENN announces the launch of a new project “Continued Nationalisation of SDGs via Promoting Localisation and Multi-stakeholder Engagement in Georgia”, which aims to support the implementation and nationalization of Sustainable Development Goals in Georgia. The program is financed by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
The goal of the 1.5 year project is to jumpstart SDG implementation, continue nationalisation of new targets and commence localisation of SDGs in Georgia via ensuring participatory process and meaningful multi-stakeholder dialogue on national and local levels.
The activities undertaken will support the development of institutions that will ensure the long-term sustainability of the steps taken by the country towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By strengthening the capacity of the SDG Council’s Secretariat and Thematic Working Groups in Georgia, the project contributes to the country’s sustainable development.
Project activities include developing recommendation materials and action plans, training and workshops with the involvement of experts, and facilitation of the long-term work process of stakeholders.
Inequalities were a potential threat to Georgia’s progress towards the SDGs even before COVID-19. The pandemic has revealed additional social disparities and affected such areas as the economy, social protection, healthcare, education, gender, environment, etc. – making the goal “leave no one behind” even more relevant and achievement of the 2030 Agenda even more challenging. Thus, the initiative of CENN will be timely response to the challenges the country is tackling with.
About CENN for SDGs
CENN has been actively working to support the countries aspiration towards SDGs. In 2018 the organisation was selected as a co-chair of Thematic Working Group of SDG Council of Georgia on Sustainable Energy & Environment Protection (along with Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture and FAO).
CENN specializes in a number of areas relevant for SDGs including sustainable management of resources, disaster risk reduction, rural development, waste management, WaSH, building healthy and prosperous climate resilient communities, empowering women and girls to participate in creating and implementing inclusive solutions etc.