CENN, with financial support from HEKS-EPER, continues to develop the capacity of local farmers to implement climate-resilient agriculture. For this purpose, another field day was held in Maradisi village of Marneuli municipality.
About 15 beneficiary farmers of the biological farming association “Elkana” from Tianeti municipality attended the field day. The participants got acquainted with the technology of vegetable crop seedling production, climate-resilient agricultural methods of production in the open field, and biological products presented by Cartlis, which are used in plant nutrition and protection.
The field day was held within the “Resilient Agriculture – PRAISE Marneuli” project, which is implemented by CENN with the financial support of HEKS-EPER, in cooperation with Cartlis. The project’s overall objective is to support income generation opportunities for vulnerable populations in Marneuli municipality by developing and promoting environmentally friendly and climate-resilient agricultural (CRA) practices.