A memorandum of cooperation was signed between CENN and the National Center for Teacher Professional Development (TPDC).
The goal of mutual cooperation is to deepen the knowledge of environmental issues among teachers and students. In this direction, CENN and TPDC will jointly ensure the organization of trainings and seminars for teachers on such environmental topics as climate change, circular economy, energy efficiency, etc.
According to Berika Shukakidze, director of the National Center for Teacher Professional Development, “the center actively works to raise awareness among teachers on environmental issues in the direction of sustainable development. In this direction, together with our group of experts, we have already implemented a number of projects. We think that cooperation with CENN will make the activities we conduct for teachers and schoolchildren even more effective, which will lead to long-term results.”
Within the framework of mutual cooperation, the National Center for Teacher Professional Development will support the introduction of educational materials created by CENN on various environmental topics in formal and non-formal teaching processes.
“One of the main goals of CENN’s activity is to empower young people and instil environmental values in them. We believe that youth are the main force that can create a sustainable and inclusive future. Raising awareness among educators about sustainable development and deepening their knowledge of environmental challenges is an important step towards achieving this goal. Therefore, we are glad that we were given the opportunity to cooperate with the National Center for Teacher Professional Development and jointly promote the development of high environmental and social responsibility among teachers and students.” – Nana Janashia, Executive Director of CENN