Duration: 2020-2024
Geographic area: Kenia, Burkina-Faso and Georgia
Implemented by: CENN is the implementing partner of IUCN in Georgia.
Donor: Austrian Development Agency, with funds provided by the Austrian Development Cooperation.
The project aims to provide solutions that both improve the availability of water within ecosystems, thereby mitigating “anthropogenic” drought and improving the resilience of rural communities to “natural” drought. The project objective is to develop guidance on identifying and implementing NbS drought and convene public dialogue around policy and planning opportunities for the adoption of NbS drought measures. Through these measures, the project will influence partner projects and partner institutions (e.g. public drought management planning mechanisms) to adopt NbS drought.
The main project outcome is ‘Drought management planning and action incorporate Nature based Solutions to drought in three nationally-important drought-prone locations’.
The project is set around three main outputs which include:
- National experts and community members are informed and enabled to implement state-of-the-art knowledge on NbS Drought.
- Recommendations for integrating NbS drought in planning and policy are generated through multi-stakeholder dialogue and policy analysis.
- NbS drought actions are demonstrated in partner projects or public planning.
It will enable the actors to integrate ecosystem restoration actions into drought management in order to reduce the frequency and severity of drought and strengthen resilience (Nature-Based Solutions to drought); and enhance drought planning to be better informed of approaches that contribute to improved hydrological function, including increased infiltration and storage of water in rehabilitated land.