The US Embassy in Georgia joins the Beat Plastic Pollution competition and pledges to reduce the usage of single-use plastics in their offices. For that purpose, the embassy formed a “Green Team” which is in charge of planning and implementing internal activities for eliminating plastic waste.
“The US Embassy is honored to be a part of CENN’s Beat Plastic Pollution Competition. We applaud this effort to reduce plastic waste and look forward to collaboration with other like-minded organizations committed to being good stewards of the environment.” Kelly C. Degnan, United States Ambassador to Georgia.
The competition is organised with financial support from the German government within the Reducing Single-use Plastic Consumption project, which is implemented by CENN with support from GIZ, Prevent Waste Alliance, RARE and in partnership with ProCredit Bank. The media partner of the project is BMG. It unites 11 companies and organizations with the aim to reduce the single-use plastic.
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